World shocked as Australian reporters cheer VicPol animals

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8 Responses to World shocked as Australian reporters cheer VicPol animals

  1. Rex Anger says:

    And a smart cookie somewhere else in the Anglophone world would be starting the countdown to when one of the others takes a leaf out of LockDan’s rulebook and tries out a variation of it themselves…

  2. Warwick says:

    This is not the Australia I was born into 50 years ago.

  3. Not Trampis says:

    how ironic.

    Usually people who riot against police would be thought very poor here but no not this lot. They throw things at police and others. Piss on a monument most people think is of importance and you lot say go for it.
    Hyperbole is very common here so where the tanks indeed where were the soldiers. Why rubber bullets why not the real stuff.

    Get off the kool aid

  4. JC says:

    Usually people who riot against police would be thought very poor here but no not this lot.

    Umm yea Homer. The cause for a demonstration is irrelevant. And you wonder why I get upset with you.

  5. Lee says:

    Usually people who riot against police …

    Your definition of “riot” differs from most people.

    Umm yea Homer. The cause for a demonstration is irrelevant. And you wonder why I get upset with you.

    The rioting, looting, vandalism, and even murder that took place in America for months was in no way justified by George Floyd’s death.
    The protesting in Melbourne recently doesn’t even remotely compare with the orgy of destruction and violence by BLM and Antifa in America.

  6. Not Trampis says:

    yeah riot, They threw objects against police and others for a start.
    Oh for those who have a problem with reading the cause was not talked about. Nor should it be.

    It is the behaviour of the thugs. Extinct rebellion behave better although that is not saying much at all nor is it saying they behave well.

  7. Rex Anger says:

    Homer Paxton is outraged because the wrong people (those dirtty, dirty proles) are marching in the streets.

    And worse, his beloved enforcers did not immediately do something lethal about it…

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