EU rolls out new ‘bad majority’ doctrine to justify legal terrorism

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25 Responses to EU rolls out new ‘bad majority’ doctrine to justify legal terrorism

  1. NoFixedAddress says:

    And to think Australian Blood was shed to defend some of the useless fascist communist members of the Soviet European Union.

  2. C.L. says:

    By Joe Biden’s definition, the election-deniers of the EU are fascists and a threat to democracy.

  3. Not Trampis says:

    It is impossible to have a change of government in Hungary. They have perfected the gerrymandering and ‘closeness’ of the courts even more than Singapore.

    It is typical of the quasi-fascists who support these people. They support attempted coups, they support blatant gerrymandering, etc

  4. Boambee John says:

    Non Mentis

    It is typical of the quasi-fascists who support these people. They support attempted coups, they support blatant gerrymandering, etc

    The gerrymandering quasi fascists of the DemonRat Party support Hungary? Wow.

  5. Wally Dali says:

    Contrast with dear brave Ukraine, which is merely knobbling opposition and headlocking the media.

  6. Not Trampis says:

    It is the republican who gerrymander like there is no tomorrow.

    It is rare that they get a majority of the vote in the house As you show deplorables hate democracy. That is why they supported the attempted coup and the evil war crimianl Putin
    NO moral compass

  7. NoFixedAddress says:

    Not Trampis

    American sanctuary cities.

  8. Not Trampis says:

    Yeah lie like there is no tomorrow to scared asylum seekers. As i said it copies what the racists did in the 60s in Mississippi.

    No moral compass

  9. Boambee John says:

    Non Mentis

    It is the republican who gerrymander like there is no tomorrow.

    Errr, Elbridge Gerry, after whom the tactic is named, was a member of the DemonRat party. And Tammany Hall, by-word for political corruption in the US, was a DemonRat organisation.

    It is rare that they get a majority of the vote in the house

    Perhaps because the DemonRats are better at gerrymandering?

    But we all know that so-called “progressives” hate democracy, their only goal is absolute political power, they have no moral compass.

  10. Boambee John says:

    Non Mentis

    Yeah lie like there is no tomorrow to scared asylum seekers.

    You mean like all those signs saying that Martha’s Vineyard welcomes refugees? But only for a few hours, then they call out the National Guard to remove them?

    As i said it copies what the racists did in the 60s in Mississippi.

    Weren’t those racists predominantly DemonRats?

  11. NoFixedAddress says:

    Hungary is looking like the last bastion of Christian Freedom in all of Europe.

  12. Boambee John says:

    Non Mentis

    Whoever is writing the latest lefty talking points is not very good at the job. Try to do some independent thinking, rather than relying on a fool.

  13. NoFixedAddress says:

    I wonder what the Dutch farmers would say about the Soviet European Union’s resolution regarding Hungary.

  14. Lee says:

    The EU’s supranationalism seems very suspiciously like colonialism and some other “isms.”
    But the left wholeheartedly supports that form of colonialism.

  15. Not Trampis says:

    Typical primary school drop out.
    It aint gerrymandering if you get the majority of the vote. That is what gerrymandering is all about.

    Yes most of the racists were democrats and now they are republicans who lie through their teeth and bitterly scared asylum seekers. No moral compass
    No I was talking about providing food and shelter to people not expecting to be there.

  16. NoFixedAddress says:

    Your a bullshit artist NT.

  17. Buccaneer says:

    It’s no surprise why Trampis doesn’t want to link to articles about The last Hungarian elections, he’s just told us that it can’t be a gerrymander if you win a majority, the ruling Fidesz party won 53% of the vote. But the left msm would have us believe that because 53% of the vote resulted in 68% of the seats and a supermajority, that was a gerrymander.

    By that standard the alp has one here, with 32% of the vote resulting in over 50% of the seats and outright government.

    What follows is a list of allegations of the tactics actually deployed by the democrat and alp in elections in the supposedly free west. Who knows if they are true or simple projection, that they have the gall to print this at all with no reflection on what their preferred model of free and fair elections dish up is incredible.

  18. Boambee John says:

    Non Mentis

    It aint gerrymandering if you get the majority of the vote. That is what gerrymandering is all about.

    If you had not failed pre-school, you might (just might, no guarantees) have been able to write a sentence that made it clear that “a majority of the vote in the house” meant votes for members of the house, not votes of members in the house.

    And what is the significance of that measure? Some gerrymandered seats provide an excess of votes over those necessary to win the seat, others don’t, but it is the number of members elected that counts, not the vote count.

    lie through their teeth and bitterly scared asylum seekers

    What stories did the Obumma administration tell the “bitterly scared asylum seekers” when it flew them all over the country? That they were going to “sanctuary cities”? They must have been upset when they arrived, and discovered that they were in places that didn’t wany asylum seekers.

    And wasn’t it telling, how quickly the “refugees welcome” signs in Martha’s Vineyard turned out to be valueless virtue signaling?

  19. NoFixedAddress says:

    Hungary, a Christian majority nation, has defied the Soviet European Union’s diktat to kow-tow to the Soviet European Unions queer agenda.

  20. Lee says:

    And wasn’t it telling, how quickly the “refugees welcome” signs in Martha’s Vineyard turned out to be valueless virtue signaling?

  21. Tel says:

    It aint gerrymandering if you get the majority of the vote. That is what gerrymandering is all about.

    You are fine with Orbán then?

    With 54.13% of the popular vote, Fidesz received the highest vote share by any party since the fall of communism in 1989.

    You just proved, by your own definition … no gerrymandering.

  22. NoFixedAddress says:

    Real Trampis is a bullshit artist.

  23. Tel says:

    Art requires talent.

  24. NoFixedAddress says:

    Tel says:
    17 September, 2022 at 7:54 pm

    Art requires talent.


    but he is the real Trampis.

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