Welcome to the Palace. Your first visit? Yes, Prime Minister

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16 Responses to Welcome to the Palace. Your first visit? Yes, Prime Minister

  1. Romanitas says:

    The ears have it…

  2. Chris M says:

    Men of the people hahaha

  3. cuckoo says:

    The palpable resentment of the media that it’s the Tories who have delivered the first PM ‘of colour’ is heartwarming. Oh yes, they mention
    through gritted teeth that Rishak is the first PM of ‘south asian’ descent, but for people who endlessly, weirdly, obsess about skin colour they are strangely silent in this instance.

    I also enjoy their seething that no voters elected Rishak and that he therefore has no mandate. Funny, it didn’t seem to bother them when Julia Gillard was appointed rather than elected to office (twice).

  4. cuckoo says:

    Rishak? Sunak, my apologies.

  5. Not Trampis says:

    Prime ministers are always elected, by their MPs.

    The electorate never elect a PM. They vote for MPs who then elect their leader. The party that has the most MPs in parliament usually has the leader that becomes PM.

  6. Terry says:

    This is a failing of our ‘Westminster System’ of government.

    Of course, the Australian Republican Movement could propose to correct these failings, but they don’t (and won’t).

    Their only problem with the Monarchy is that they’re not it.

  7. Boambee John says:

    Non Mentis

    Prime ministers are always elected, by their MPs.

    The electorate never elect a PM. They vote for MPs who then elect their leader. The party that has the most MPs in parliament usually has the leader that becomes PM.

    Thanks for the lesson in sucking eggs grandma, but you might like to look up Conservative Party rules, which require a selection of options to be put to party members. In this case, with only one candidate, that was not needed.

  8. Buccaneer says:

    Trampis is a tone deaf troll who spends his time trying to derail conversations, in absence of actual argument, it makes him feel better to make pathetic attempts to upset other people. Another reason why no one bothers to comment on his blog.

  9. Not Trampis says:

    err the PM is appointed by the King is this stage after an election. MPs elect the leader not part members for either Conservatives or the Labour party.

    Party members are used when the PM or Opposition Leader is either challenged or steps down. No members voters here because there was only one person in the race.

    It is interesting that both party members have voted for people who were unelectable to the electorate.

    Bucco again shows how stupid he is. I actually did not bring up the people electing a PM. I was merely correcting an error. Deplorables make them all the time. Even wg hen they introduce graphs they cannot read!

  10. Buccaneer says:

    Right on cue, the Trampis calls me stupid and proves my point at the same time. Not a resident of Crete, the other one.

  11. C.L. says:

    Yes, Trampo – we’re all AWARE of the technical reality that an Australian Prime Minister and a British Prime Minister are not name-on-a-ballot elected to the office.

    We are also aware that, in reality, a general Australian or British election is largely carried by the leader presidentially and the result usually reflects the appeal of that leader. When people say, “Australians voted for Bob Hawke to become PM in 1983,” they are not incorrect.

  12. Boambee John says:


    Please don’t bother Non Mentis with reality, it confuses the poor pre-school failure.

  13. NFA says:

    At least Britains can sleep easy knowing there will be no tax cuts nor, Gods Forbid, fracking proposals.

  14. Terry says:

    ‘sleep easy’

    Is that what one does while freezing in the dark?

  15. Roger W says:

    Maybe the new King could use his weekly meeting with Rishi to advise him on where to go for a suit that will fit him.
    At least Charles is well-dressed. Rishi always looks like a teenager after a growth spurt.

  16. C.L. says:

    That’s what I thought, Roger. Charles is one of the best-dressed men in the world.

    By Gieves & Hawkes on Savile Row.

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