Reluctant Capitulation

I should say, Graham, that I got vaccinated – um, triply vaccinated. Not with any great enthusiasm, I’ve got to say, because I always took the view with the pandemic that, a) I probably wasn’t going to catch it; b) if I caught it I probably wasn’t going to die; and c) if I died, well OK, my time must have been up anyway. Sooner or later, we have to accept that our time is up. And part of our problem in dealing with this was, I guess, our reluctance to accept that the one absolutely inescapable fact of life – the one thing we cannot avoid the moment we come into this world – is that we’ll eventually leave it. These times live in denial of death in a way that no previous generation has. So look, I got vaccinated because I didn’t want anyone to have an excuse to keep us locked up for any longer than was absolutely necessary.”

– Mr Abbott to anti-mandates hero and former Qantas pilot Graham Hood (podcast)
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68 Responses to Reluctant Capitulation

  1. Cassie of Sydney says:

    When I think back to 2020 and 2021, it’s like revisiting a nightmare.

  2. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:

    If I had keeled over during that age-related pandemic it would have been so much harder for my family without me.

    KevinM, you have made a very denigratory and mean-spirited comment about me on New Catallaxy OT 11/4 re this sentence above and in general re what I say here in my truthful comment about my activities during Covid lockdowns. My family, some members in particular, relied on me during lockdowns for much more than you can ever know. That was my experience and no doubt the experience of many others with highly dependent family members.

    The level of upticking approval your unpleasantness about me receives on New Catallaxy is one reason why I won’t waste my time with blogging there now. Another reason is that no apology, statement of regret nor condemnation of the speaker and hardly even a word of support, has ever been offered by anyone there to Cassie for the outrageous anti-Semitic remarks made to her on that site some months ago now which received nearly 50 upticks. A disgraceful episode over which no curtain should be drawn.

    Sorry to clutter your blog with this, CL, as I know you don’t wish to hold an Open Forum, but my comment above which has drawn such ire elsewhere was well within the topic of the thread.

  3. Chilli says:

    Lizzie, it was Dover who stated that Johanna’s comments were NOT antisemitic, but you carry on, like cassie, as victims.

    No antisemitism on Dover’s blog, only in your mind.

  4. Chilli says:

    But yet you read his blog and bring it here.

  5. Ed Case says:

    These times live in denial of death in a way that no previous generation has. So look, I got vaccinated …

    Lapsed CofEer here, I thought the general idea was that death wasn’t a worry for Christians, yet Captain Catholic appears to say otherwise.
    Can anyone clear up my theological confusion?

  6. MatrixTransform says:

    Where in that comment is there any reference to people being forced to vaccinate?

    Pffft !!

  7. Ed Case says:

    No one was forced to vaccinate, though I seem to remember Albanese calling for it and Scotty ruling it out.
    If someone reckons their job is more important than their health, well, perhaps they’re right?
    Meat workers and dairy workers have been obliged to get the pointless Q-Fever vaccination prior to working for at least 25 years, but no crybaby’s ever worried about them until it was their own precious fucking jobs on the line!

  8. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:

    Chilli, I disagreed with Dover about that and said so on New Catallaxy, putting forward a strong counter argument about the relevant comment’s generally harmful intention and also its use of a definite anti-Semitic meme about Jewish people being unwilling to defend themselves. Johanna’s comment was at best thoughtlessly anti-Semitic and deliberately intended to hurt a Jewish woman having a hard time. I would support you too in the same circumstances. You might recall that I put my hand on what was once called The Wailing Wall, in the women’s section of it, for both you and Cassie when I visited there in Jerusalem a few years ago, as well as for the Jewish step-grandmother of my children.

    I only sporadically read New Catallaxy now, but did catch KevinM’s comment linking his unpleasant remarks to this thread on CL’s blog at the end of the Cat’s 11/4 Open Forum thread. I think it quite appropriate to let the people here know about that linking, btw, for KevinM comes here and considers himself welcome.

    I am both jetlagged and still upset over my cat Attapuss’s stroke and demise, and have just come from a birthday party for my five year old autistic grandson who still does not speak and is incontinent. There is enough pain in my life right now for me to wish to add to it by more blogging right now so consider me absent for a while.

  9. Chilli says:

    Don’t be absent, Lizzie.

    I don’t read everything. I am absent and come in to the middle of stuff.

    I have loved you for a long time.

    Reading your post about your dear Attapuss brought me to tears.

    I have two cats who are 20 and 21. It’s like I have children again.

    I think it’s ok to be human here.

    CL wouldn’t object to it.

    The others can f off!

  10. Chilli says:

    Lizzie, my reaction on another blog is to years of relentless bullying by a tag team. It went beyond and picked up some unintentional “mean girls”.

  11. Tel says:

    No one was forced to vaccinate …

    Utter crap.

    The lockdowns, and small business closures, and people sent home on “administrative leave” without pay were very deliberate tools of coercion … precisely for the purpose of forcing people to vax. Abbott admitted it himself.

  12. NFA says:

    Does Abbott work the Speakers Circuit or The Comedy Festivals?

  13. No one was forced to be vaxxed, you have only been able to avoid it by surrendering your career, but you weren’t forced!

  14. Ed Case says:

    No one was forced to be vaxxed, you have only been able to avoid it by surrendering your career, but you weren’t forced!

    “Bad luck”, said the duck.
    Why would anyone want to avoid a vaccination anyway?
    Wanna go there?
    Course you don’t.

  15. Dan says:

    I hope and pray that all you guys and your loved ones escape any consequences of those unholy shots!!!!

  16. Missed work and educational opportunities, for family members, but managing, Dan.

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