Federal Police apologetic about investigating Islamic terrorism

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw said police completed search warrants at the alleged offenders home where items were seized including electronic devices.

“He was charged with a terrorist act under section 101.1 of the Criminal Code 1995 which carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for life,” he said.

“We target criminality not countries. We investigate radicalisation and not religion.”

Decoded: they’re investigating a non-white offender who was inspired by the Mohammedan cult.
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7 Responses to Federal Police apologetic about investigating Islamic terrorism

  1. jupes says:

    which carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment for life

    He’ll be a free man before he’s twenty.

  2. bollux says:

    He should be freighted back to whichever shithole Islamic country he came from as deck cargo on a submarine. He’ll probably end up as an Islamic adviser to Albo once he’s done his community service.

  3. Lee says:

    “We target criminality not countries. We investigate radicalisation and not religion.”

    On the other hand, Christians convicted of peacefully protesting outside a U.S. abortion clinic face the possibility of up to 11 years in prison.

  4. Lee says:

    “We investigate radicalisation and not religion.”

    This willfully and conveniently ignores the fact that he has been radicalised by the religion.

    Without the religion there is no motivation for what he did.

  5. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:

    The Bishop who was attacked can respond by blessing his attacker and forgiving him.

    How can the Iman respond? There is no forgiveness in Islam. There is only a hatred of apostasy. This youth has done as Mahommad commanded, he has attacked an Infidel who pointed out some home truths about Islamic sacred texts. People do that with the bible all the time, but Christians simply have their faith enhanced and ignore the attacks, forgiving the attackers.

    Forgiveness is a very, very powerful emotional tool. The Imans should work on finding some statement in the mess of theological grabs that are found in the Koran.
    It would help to promote greater harmony if Muslims could be told to turn the other cheek and get on with things without flaring up.

  6. Perplexed of Brisbane says:

    Translation: Muslims shoot back and we’re scared. The Police Commissioner.

  7. Ed Case says:

    It would help to promote greater harmony if Muslims could be told to turn the other cheek and get on with things without flaring up.

    When Christianity was a serious religion, dissing Jesus would likely result in death, however, I think the average Moslem in Australia these days is about as religious as I am.
    That is, not at all.
    What’s the origin of these teenage Jihadis, this one only a Moslem 6 weks?
    That might be interesting reading, if anyone in the MSM could give a fuck.

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