He never cried for women and children in Alice Springs, though

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34 Responses to He never cried for women and children in Alice Springs, though

  1. jupes says:

    Oh for fuck’s sake. What a sad and pathetic performance, though perfectly befitting the leader of the country we have become.

    Now it’s up to us. Are Australians stupid enough to agree to this racist rubbish? Probably.

  2. Christine says:

    This fake emotion won’t help him.
    He has a task masking his unpleasantness.

  3. C.L. says:

    Def:tears shed contemplating one’s own nobility (slang)

  4. struth says:

    Ask these charlatans if they’d be voting yes with the voice stacked by the likes of Senator Price.
    Of course not.

    It’s the same old Marxist rabble that pretend to represent a race, to the very detriment of that race.

  5. Lee says:

    Used car salesmen have more sincerity than this lying fraud.

  6. RacerX says:

    Strangely the aboriginal props he had with him this morning didn’t look like the aboriginals from the text books when I was at school. None the less I believe they were there representing ‘their’ people.

  7. struth says:

    Jupes, sunshine, you are wrong.
    There is no “agreeing or disagreeing with this rubbish” that matters.


    Our voting system is fraudulent.
    Why can people not see that it would definitely be the case after 2020?
    Why don’t you want to know?

  8. Morsie says:

    If this gets up there wil, be no point in ever electing a conservative government.The voice will ensure it grinds to a halt and another election wil, ensue

  9. Mantaray says:

    About 750.000 people reckon they are somehow aboriginal. Of these about 600,000 are very well-integrated and doing as OK as anyone else. Of these, a tiny tiny minority (see the 250 involved in the Uluru statement) also reckon they speak for the remaining 150,000 still stuck in remote shyte-holes….

    To get the big bucks this tiny minority want the 150,000 to stay in the shyte FOREVER. This they hope to achieve by kyboshing anything which might help the 150,000. This includes”respecting their culture” of endless violence, ignorance of modern medicine, ignorance of vocational skills etc, so they can never be integrated.

    One of the Industry’s main tactics is to encourage attachment to “country and language”, which means NO JOBS (see their shyte-hole “country” FFS) and no prospects since they will be wasting their chance to actually learn useful stuff by improving their English (average English speaker knows about 40,000 words; average aboriginal language < 3000 words) and limiting their ability to communicate with THE WORLD since almost all Indigenous language groups have miniscule numbers of speakers.

    OK, enough. This BS referendum is already dead in the water.

  10. Christine says:

    According to dainty Linda Burney, history is on ‘their’ side.
    Another one holding back the tears; once again reminding the audience that she wasn’t ‘counted’ in her early years.

  11. struth says:

    Who here still thinks their vote in this referendum will be counted?

  12. C.L. says:

    Thorpe literally crawling to white men today – while carrying an Aboriginal flag.

    What a moment.

  13. Christine says:

    Really unfortunate to see the flag on the ground.

    Why Lidia didn’t wear boots; she would’ve been steadier, charging around on grass.

  14. Buccaneer says:

    Is that Deano in the suit? Where’s the leather jacket?

  15. Ed Case says:

    Sounds like Albanese is saying the Feds will be able to deal directly with The Voice and bypass the Land Councils and Native Title Holders.

    That will be popular with Miners, Oil & Gas, Water Racketeers and Nuclear Waste Disposers, but that’s about it.

  16. Ed Case says:

    Is that Deano in the suit? Where’s the leather jacket?

    What was done to Thorpe to force her to quit is the same thing that happened to Moira Deeming.
    Guilt by association.
    Funny how that works, eh?

  17. Buccaneer says:

    I’m sorry, sitting on a committee looking specifically at bikies including her boyfriend and not declaring a conflict of interest is not guilt by association. She should not be in parliament and it’s a blight that the parliamentary members have not agreed to expel her.

  18. Mantaray says:

    Ed Case. Plenty of photographic evidence that Thorpe and the bikies were on very friendly terms.

    Got anything on Moira and the alleged Nazis being friends?

  19. Rafiki says:

    Buccaneer, they do not have power to expel her.
    The photo of Lydia reminded me of a scene from Kim’s wedding episode. I take it that there were no AFP horses about.
    Why was she on all fours?

  20. cuckoo says:

    What is it with these people? Too much estrogen in the water supply? I saw that clown, the ACT chief minister, yesterday choking back tears as he announced some law to do with people born with (genuine) intersex complications.

  21. John Althuizen says:

    ‘I want this for all Australians. We’ll feel better about ourselves if we get this done. The truth is, Australia will be seen as a better nation in the rest of the world. Our position in the world matters.’

    He said the quiet part out loud, its all about feelings and not real outcomes, FFS

  22. struth says:

    The world, to the left, are some billionaires at Davos.

  23. and says:

    Pauline Hanson
    (video length ~5mins)

    Has The Truth Of Albanese’s Voice Been Exposed?


  24. Buccaneer says:

    They can vote to expel anyone from parliament for misconduct, if they all vote together.

  25. and says:

    That’s some performance by Dennis Elbow, the town cryer (literally)

    Tears of a Clown

  26. Ed Case says:

    I’m sorry, sitting on a committee looking specifically at bikies including her boyfriend and not declaring a conflict of interest is not guilt by association.

    The Committee woulda been discussing organised crime in general, not anyone in particular.
    Every Senator and MHR has bikies living in their electorates, and most of them would be unlikely to knock back a photo request at a public gathering where the MP is doing a meet and greet.

  27. Ed Case says:

    They can vote to expel anyone from parliament for misconduct, if they all vote together.

    No they can’t, don’t be silly.

  28. Buccaneer says:

    On 11 November the Prime Minister Billy Hughes moved to expel him and early the following morning the House of Representatives passed a resolution that Mahon had made “seditious and disloyal utterances at a public meeting,” and was “guilty of conduct unfitting him to remain a member of this House and inconsistent with the oath of allegiance which he has taken as a member of this House”.


    now I know why BJ calls you dick.

  29. Buccaneer says:

    Thorpe was a member of the joint committee on law enforcement from February 2021 to April 2022, during which time it reviewed the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission’s powers to conduct special operations and investigations, which include activities to combat outlaw motorcycle gangs.

    Martin, who has no criminal convictions, was associated with the Rebels but stepped down as Victorian chapter president in 2018 after his brother Shane Martin – the father of AFL star Dustin Martin – was deported to New Zealand.

    Labor senator Helen Polley, the chair of the law enforcement committee, told Guardian Australia her committee “deals with highly classified and sensitive material in relation to security information”. “Therefore the integrity of the committee must be upheld at all times.

    This is from the guardian, whether she disclosed anything is a moot point. She was in a relationship with a subject of the committee and didn’t disclose it. Hugh Mahon would rightly feel aggrieved that this person remains in parliament. Our media are not doing their job. Ed, you are a tool for defending this.

  30. Ed Case says:

    Hugh Mahon was a Fenian, he couldn’t sit in the parliament as it was in 1920.

    Thorpe has done nothing wring, and Dean Martin doesn’t even have a Police History.
    Total beat up.

  31. Rafiki says:

    The law was changed after the Mahon case. The House has no power to expel an MHA.
    And Mahon was not ineligible because was a “Fenian”.

  32. Buccaneer says:

    What drugs are you on, the parliament can change any laws or rules including the constitution with enough votes.

    Gee no police record survived 2 seconds of google search, no wonder you didn’t want to provide evidence for your positive buoyancy fiction Ed. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/rebels-president-dean-martin-pleads-guilty-to-liquor-offences-20130829-2ss9c.html

  33. Pedro the Loafer says:


    The Prime Minister of Australia blubbing in public over some vague change to our Constitution

    Top man, Albo. Hard as nails, no nonsense bloke, outstanding performance.

  34. Rossini says:

    Does Albo think he is an AFL coach who has just retired ….what a sook!

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